Monday, April 7, 2008

Psychiatry posting

starting from this week we are all posted in psychiatry ward to learn psychiatric illnesses. It's actually a totally different posting and many other aspect from Obstetric posting where we feel more hectic and misearable(so called miserable when we actually need to cover ward). haha

On the first day itself, we are not so tense and we feel much more comfortable in psychiatry. though we need to really learn about the history taking of psychiatry posting, it's more or less basic common stuffs that we need to get from the patients, just a bit more details in few aspect. We need to follow up the patient throughout the 5 weeks posting as they are all "long-staying" patients in the ward, which mean they need more time to be cured or incurable basically. When we visited the psychiatric ward, it's basically 2 different ward between the female and male ward. Male patients look a bit more scary than the female patients as they all are wondering around in the ward and we are not supposed to go inside, rather interview them outside with supervision from the staffs around.

Well, i think most of us are quite curious on what will be the experiences when we actually have our contact with the psychiatric patients. But, i think it will be a real memorable one.

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